Johnson Matthey Silver Bullion
100 Ounce $ 3083.53
10 Ounce $ 308.32
1 Ounce $ 30.84
Johnson Matthey Silver Bullions contain .999% fine silver and come in different weight denominations. The following decribes each silver bullion attributes. Please keep in mind that Johnson Matthey Silver Bullions have no face value.
100 Troy Oz. Johnson Matthey
Diameter: 163 x 65.1 mm
Thickness: 33 mm
Gross weight: 100 troy oz. (3110.347g)
Face value: N/A
10 Troy oz. Johnson Matthey
Diameter: 90.5 x 45 mm
Thickness: 12.7 mm
Gross weight: 10 troy oz. (311g)
Face value: N/A
1 Troy Oz. Johnson Matthey
Diameter: 40.60 x 2.98mm
Thickness: 2.3 mm
Gross weight: 1 troy oz. (31.104g)
Face value: N/A